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Buy Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2 suppliers manufacturers
Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2
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    TNJ Chemical

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Ürün ayrıntıları

Buy Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2, the main chemical from TNJ Chemical, China leading Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2 suppliers, factory & manufacturers. If you want to buy Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2 or buy succinic anhydride, please mail to sales@tnjchem.com

Product name          Potassium Bromate

CAS                         7758-01-2

molecular formula    KBrO3

molecular weight     167

Physical properties
This product is white crystal or powder, with density 3.26 and melting point of 370. It is free of smell and tastes salty and slightly bitter. It absorbs water easily and agg lomerates in the air, but dose not deliquify. It dissolves easily in water but slightly in alcohol. Its water solution is neutral.


Content(calculated with KBrO3) %      ≥99.8  

Water-indissolvent%                           ≤0.002

Chloride and chlorate(as Cl)%             ≤0.03

Bromide(as Br)%                                ≤0.005

Sulphate(as SO4)%                            ≤0.005

Sodium(Na)%                                    ≤0.02

Iron(Fe)%                                          ≤0.0005

Heavy metal(as Pb)%                         ≤0.0005

Arsenic(As)%                                     ≤0.0003

Water%                                             ≤0.1


25kg/drum or as per customer request

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      Potassium Bromate CAS 7758-01-2
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